
Mapping a Successful Silvopasture

Silvopasture integrates trees, grazing animals, and forages in a mutually beneficial ecosystem that has been rated #1 among all agriculture solutions to a changing climate. In this session, learn approaches to planning based on environmental and soil qualities, tree species selection, spacing and patterning of plantings, paddock design for rotational grazing and more utilizing Google […]

Research & Seed Participatory Workshop

The Research & Seed Programs Participatory Workshop is the space to plan farmer-led research projects for the upcoming years. Working with other farmers with similar research ideas, this workshop is the central place to ask questions about farmer-led research and work through your ideas for an on-farm research trial. Please join us to get curious […]

Research Symposium – Part 2

The virtual Research Symposium is an online gathering where farmer-researchers share their research from the field season. This year’s research findings are focused on no-till vegetable production, amendments to hasten emergence of small grains, reduced protein for heritage chickens, tomato grafting on different varieties, rapid regeneration of land for vegetable production, the best summer and […]

Research Symposium – Part 1

The virtual Research Symposium is an online gathering where farmer-researchers share their research from the field season. This year’s research findings are focused on no-till vegetable production, amendments to hasten emergence of small grains, reduced protein for heritage chickens, tomato grafting on different varieties, rapid regeneration of land for vegetable production, the best summer and […]